I got up on one! Thanks to Rubes and his water treading skills for immortalizing the moment. Now I just need to figure out how to make the wave look more giant.
A mere week and a half ago – plus a few days and add a few more days depending on when I actually post this and when and if you read this – I found myself in Nicaragua along with nine other fellows to help our buddy, Chris A (aka White Chocolate), celebrate the big 4-0 in style… Nica style. And by Nica style, I mean we spent a week in Miramar, Nicaragua at an awesome surf camp run by the great folks of Surf Tours Nicaragua. It was kind of funny because with the exception of three of us, none among us would remotely consider ourselves “surfers” – unless you count the internet. But, we were game to try and over the course of several days with expert instruction provided by Greg, Carter and Hector everyone pretty much succeeded in getting on at least one solid wave and having a boat load of fun – while avoiding serious injury. Also, we were pretty much in bed by 10 pm each night. Yup, this is 40.
Fortunately, when we weren’t flailing – I mean shredding the sick swell – we were lying in hammocks on the covered deck overlooking the beach, watching the waves and discussing the beach break as if we knew what we were talking about. Okay maybe that was just me. All in all, it was an awesome time – totally relaxing and punctuated by good food and many Toñas. The staff at the camp cooked consistently solid and tasty breakfasts, lunches and dinners (upon which the overwhelming fan favorite, Salsa Lizano, was liberally applied). But there were a few meals in particular that blew my flip flops off.
One evening we made the five minute walk to a neighboring woman’s house where she had set up a several tables under a roof in her front yard to accommodate the 16 or so of us hungry for dinner. She cooked nearby in her outdoor kitchen and with just two cooking fires, she prepared a feast of lobsters, rice and tostones (green plantains). It was la bomba! Check the photographic evidence below.
- Table for 16: The restaurant was basically the front yard of our hostess’ house.
- The outdoor kitchen: This is where our hostess prepared a feast.
- Lobsters poached in oil because why not?
- Two cooking fires is what our hostess had to work with.
- The crew before dinner
- Flor de Caña: the official rum of Nicaragua
- Chris A toasts to being a spritely 40!
- More pre dinner toasting
- How great is this sight?
- Three lobsters? I would have been stoked to get two.
- Rustic ambiance: We were the only party for miles
The next day, the surf wasn’t so good (as if that really mattered to us amateurs) so the whole surf camp took a field trip to 1) Volcan Masaya – an active volvanoe 2) the town of Masaya, home to an artisan marketplace (aka souvenirs) 3) an amazing lunch at Bakus restaurant located above Laguna de Apoyo, a lake in extinct old volcano crater – not that the location mattered because we were all entertained by the copious amounts of meat and a DVD of this year’s Billboard Music awards (Nikki Minaj giving a faux lap dance to Lil’ Wayne should be required lunchtime viewing) 4) swimming, chilling and participating in a hold our breath underwater contest in the fresh pristine waters of the lake. Then we drove back that evening (eight of us in the back of the surf truck driven Carter -aka Carlitos the Heartbreaker) through the most torrential thunder and lightening storm just to make things more exciting. Que buen dia!
- Volcan Masaya: Still active. In fact all the other visitors were wearing hardhats.
- KDub and Mattie take it all in.
- Señoras outside the market: Just one of those nice pictures of the locals
- Surf Tour Leader Greg and Aussie Morgan are ready to get lunch. Alas everyone was waiting for Big Al.
- Laguna de Apoya and Volcan Masaya
- Overlooking Laguna de Apoya
- Various meats: porkchops, ribs, steak, sausage, meatballs, fried chicken, fried fish, fried cheese on a bed of fried plantains.
- Self serve. Protein and carbs anyone?
- Restaurante Bakus: Best lunch I’ve had a in a really long while.
- The water was fresh and warm and within a few feet of the shore you couldn’t see the bottom.
- Dusk on the lake: Fantastic!
- I conceived of this artsy shot, but was foiled by the smoke from burning garbage,
The next day, a few of us woke up early and took the boat to try our hands at spear fishing. Okay, I’m going to chalk this one up to the poor visibility caused by river run off from the rain storms because basically we didn’t see shit. Well, except for PK whose spear “misfired” when he had his target in sight (so much subtext there) and our guide and surf camp head honcho Greg who did see a trigger fish well enough to shoot through the eye! The rest of us had no luck so we trolled a bit and ended up catching three pretty good sized fish, two of which were Spanish mackerel.
Later that evening, Greg made fresh sashimi with the mackerel. Oh. My. God. So fresh, buttery, and melt in your mouth delicious. Que ricissimo!
- So fresh, buttery and delicious.
- Clearly, Greg enjoys his mackerel fresh!
All and all, it was a great trip hanging with the fellas. And of course we all had our wives to thank for being the type of wonderfully supportive partners who held it down on the home front so we could surf (kind of), eat ridiculously well (or not – do cheeze puffs and skittles have any nutritional value, Chris A?) and chill in such a beautiful part of the world.