Michelle L: Cooking like a Laotian!

Basic lao spicesSo first there was ‘shabu shabu’ and now there is ‘tum tum cheng’. Don’t you just love onomatopoeia!! Tum Tum Cheng relates to the sound of the drums and cymbals Lao monks use during worship. It is also the name of the restaurant and cooking school in beautiful Luang Prabrang where I spent one summer day learning the art of Lao cooking!

Click on the spices for the full story!


Simon and Jen get a serving of big Italian meat.

Alright you all. You’re in for a treat.  My friends Simon and Jen recently went to Italy where they soaked in the old world culture and charm and basically engorged themselves with some of the most delicious food known to man and woman.  But don’t take my word for it.  Take theirs.  Follow their gastronomic chronicles on their excellent travel blog.  For a taste of what I’m talking about, click on this charming photo of Simon and Jen living la dolce vita for a riveting account of Simon’s interactions with some top grade Italian meat.

buono appetito!

-C. Ting


Michelle L: Bangkok Food Court Fanatics

Alright here’s another post from a fellow lover of travel and food, Michelle L. who this summer did what everybody should do at least once in their lives: traveled to Southeast Asia and ate like mofo.  Actually after the first time you do this, you will be hooked probably and go several more times.  Expect more delicious posts from her in the future.
-C. Ting

Bangkok Food Court Fanatics

For those of you who love travel as much as I do, let me divulge to you the secrets of budget dining in Bangkok, Thailand. No, no you can skip the red plastic seating and no longer have to turn your head as dishes are being washed in unknown sources of water. As much as we all love to eat with the locals, I will tell you where the other locals are eating; that’s right people, they are eating in the food courts!

Click on the mango sticky rice for the full story!


Swish, swish, shabu shabu….

After hearing Clarence speak of his adventures in The Land of the Rising Sun, my adopted country of three glorious years, I (Michelle L.) was inspired to finally add my first entry to YouFood! And now that the winds have graced us here in New York City, what could be more fitting than having hot pot! So let us begin with one day in Asakusa, one of many neighbourhoods of Tokyo, Japan. Itadakimasu!

Click on the sake bins for the full story.


Tokyo Part 2: Tsukiji fish market and sushi!

The visit to Tsukiji Fish Market was really one of the highlights of my trip to Tokyo so I thought it deserved its own post.  Where else can you see dudes zipping around in these crazy R2D2-looking little trucks  carting around giant frozen tuna?  And where else can you eat the absolute best sushi you’ve ever had in your life?    Click on the beautiful slab of maguro below for the full story.
