C Makes Hummus!

Ok, for my first recipe video I thought I would go with something really basic. That way I thought it would be easier to shoot, edit and hopefully to follow if you’re watching. I guess proof is in the pudding huh? Or in this case the hummus. Alright that being said, click on the photo and watch how I transform this can of garbanzo beans into a sumptuous and complex hummus. (Alright it’s pretty basic but maybe, just maybe you’ll learn something – or at least find it amusing.)


Well hello there…

… and welcome to my humble website/ blog. It’s still a bit of a work in progress so I hope you understand the general lack of slickness of this site and the fact that certain aspects could change at a moment’s notice. Think of it as you would improvising in the kitchen. Or think of it is as the endeavor of a totally amateur cook and slow-to-learn-basic-web-stuff guy. I welcome any comments suggestions and contributions (of the web content variety – though I wouldn’t turn away monetary compensation – sheeeeit!). Well, I hope you brought your appetite. Enjoy.


