Hello people! Yup, it’s been a while. Anything happened since my last post? Oh boy. Needless to say, things have shifted a bit in the outside world as well as on the family front with the Ting fam. More on this later perhaps in a future post – maybe three years from now, given my current track record with this blog. But the main thing is holy shit! The kids are growing so fast! My wife constantly reminds me to do more of these videos while the kids are still (kind of) cute and I’m always like ” yeah, yeah, yeah…” But then Mona my now 7-year old(!) was like, “Baba, can we make a food video?” And I was like ” yeah, yeah yeah…” But here’s the thing: Mona is very persistent and her constant asks and reminders turned my “yeah, yeah, yeah” into an “Ok, fine! What should we make?” We went through the list of things I like to cook and what the family likes to eat. A lot of the dishes we’ve already done for this blog (please peruse after consuming this post) and other dishes seemed needlessly complicated in terms of actually cooking and actually filming. You see, I’m going to break some news here. If it wasn’t absolutely obvious, I’m kind of – no totally – lazy and I just didn’t feel like making a huge effort (God, as I write this I’m realizing what a terrible parent I’ve become or have always been), so I decided to go with what was easiest. The “dish” we settled on was… you guessed it (because you’re a genius and or read the above title of the blog post): a smoothie!
For this one, I went with what we had in the freezer/ fridge, so I didn’t have to go grocery shopping. In this case it was:
Ingredients List
Almond Milk Beverage
Peanut Butter
Often, to make the smoothie “healthier” I’ll add kale but we didn’t have any. So here’s how we do it. Although honestly, if you need instructions on how to make a smoothie, well then you might need more help than I can offer you here. Really this video is for savoring that magical dynamic between two charismatic kids and their tired and jaded father. But don’t thank me, thank Mona. Please enjoy.