Cheryl and Mimi make dinner…

… while the men sit around watch TV and eat. Just kidding. Well, only partly. None of the menfolk (me, my dad, my brother-in-law) cooked that night (I but I did film them for the benefit of the public), but we sure as hell did eat. And delicious it was, as Yoda would say.

Alright, just so you know, I shot this over month ago at my sister’s house in California but due to various circumstances – actual paying work, moving to a new apartment, the fact that these vids take a while for me (Mr. Professional TV guy) time to produce, and I’m kind of lazy – I haven’t been able to put up these recipes, which I promised in my last post, until now. For that I apologize but I know all the 3 regular readers of this site will understand. My sister does her version of empanadas and my mom does her version of polenta. Ain’t globalization grand? Alright, without further ado, check out how my mom and sis do.


Dumpling House

This past Saturday after Cantonese class, Waine and I made our ritual pilgrimage for some food. We’d had pho the week before and Northern style Chinese hand pulled noodles the week before that, so I wasn’t really feeling the noodles. One word: dumplings. So we headed to the logical stop a couple blocks from our class, the aptly named Dumpling House a well known haunt of Chinatown locals and hipsters alike. It was by no means the first time we’d been to this place but I thought I would take the opportunity to make it the first stop on the newly inaugurated Dumpling Review Page. Check out the full review.


C Makes Hummus!

Ok, for my first recipe video I thought I would go with something really basic. That way I thought it would be easier to shoot, edit and hopefully to follow if you’re watching. I guess proof is in the pudding huh? Or in this case the hummus. Alright that being said, click on the photo and watch how I transform this can of garbanzo beans into a sumptuous and complex hummus. (Alright it’s pretty basic but maybe, just maybe you’ll learn something – or at least find it amusing.)
