Burger Time

Ever the martyrs, JG and I have taken it upon ourselves to research for all of you some of the best burgers in NYC. Welcome to the first installment of the of the Burger Reviews. We’re using the TONY Top Ten List of burgers as our guide, but we’re not bound to it. If you all have any suggestions send them our way. Better yet, submit your own burger review. Check out the full review of our first three burgers. Come on. Take a bite.

My Back Forty Burger


3 thoughts on “Burger Time

  1. Sheffy, I SAW YOU digging into a giant burger at 67!! And I woulda thought you’d be recommending Corner Bistro for their succulent burgers fresh off the grill. YOU who introduced ME. You are indeed a newly minted Brooklynite. Au revoir Chelsea!!

  2. Sounds good & I will check them out soon.

    Meanwhile, consider Big Nicks on the Upper West Side at 2175 Broadway

    No organic or grass fed guarantee but 100% Steer Beef & Charcoal Broiled. Not upscale in the least, this burger joint cranks out (so far) my favorite, most reliable consistent NYC burger.

    Would like to see you guys rate it at some point.

  3. Michelle!! Au contraire…I was just checking out the other burger joints closer to my new hood…but you know my heart lies in Chelsea-at the corner bistro. I still rank Corner Bistro on the top of my list..and hope it gets the rave review it deserves from you-food (hint hint..clarence and james, add it to the list!). Not only does it have good burgers, it has good company (bartenders) and good beers…MMMMM…Hello chelsea!

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