A meat frenzy in the City of Angels

Oi, tuto bem?  That’s Portuguese for “what up, yo?”  Here’s another word for you: churrasco.  That’s Portuguese for Brazilian style bbq wherein a variety of meats are slow cooked over charcoal until dripping with juicy deliciousness and then sliced into little morsels for people to eat over the course of several hours.  In other words, it’s a little slice of heaven.

And thanks to Jake and Sari who opened up their home and back yard to Almir Santre whose skill, talent and marinades have no rivals that I’m aware of, I got to spend a few blessed hours in heaven last weekend. Click on the mouth watering photo below to read more about the bbq and the rest of the blessed food weekend in LA.

really, have you ever seen a prettier sight?


The fro-yo reviews

Alright people, first of all, I apologize to all of you three or four dedicated you-fooders for the long intervals between posts. Believe me it’s been wearing on me not to come out with something fresh and scintillating (ok at least moderately interesting) every few days or at the very least every week. This is what happens when you have a job that you must attend to every day. I’m a sucker. Yeah, I’m back on the murder show. But it’s a good thing I know the antidote to working on a reality homicide show: frozen yogurt. That’s right y’all. I finally finished the first installment of the the fro-yo reviews. I know I’m probably at least a year behind the times as far as this newest fro-yo fad is concerned, but better late than never. And I’m sure there’s still plenty of folks newly initiated into the Pinkberry ranks who would appreciate the painstaking effort that goes into sampling the various fro-yo establishments. For all of you, I present a bit of culture (get it? yogurt has live culture – sheeeiiit look it up if you don’t believe me.

Check it.

our first stop of the night

our first stop of the night


Cheryl and Mimi make dinner…

… while the men sit around watch TV and eat. Just kidding. Well, only partly. None of the menfolk (me, my dad, my brother-in-law) cooked that night (I but I did film them for the benefit of the public), but we sure as hell did eat. And delicious it was, as Yoda would say.

Alright, just so you know, I shot this over month ago at my sister’s house in California but due to various circumstances – actual paying work, moving to a new apartment, the fact that these vids take a while for me (Mr. Professional TV guy) time to produce, and I’m kind of lazy – I haven’t been able to put up these recipes, which I promised in my last post, until now. For that I apologize but I know all the 3 regular readers of this site will understand. My sister does her version of empanadas and my mom does her version of polenta. Ain’t globalization grand? Alright, without further ado, check out how my mom and sis do.


Next stop – Soupville!

So here’s my latest entry. Sorry it’s been a while since the last one. I actually was working last week in California on one of the best TV shows ever (oh I meant worst). But this site’s about food and not about me whining about working in bad TV. I guess the point being, work kind of gets in the way of maintaining a blog. My apologies. But just know that all was not lost to “work”. I did shoot some family cooking in Cali which I will post in the near future. In the meantime, check out this chicken soup that I made last week. It’s a nice hot soup just in time for spring when things are warming up and all you want to eat is salad and stuff off the grill. Oops! Okay, maybe my timing sucks, but this chicken soup does not. Check it out right here.

