Hana does it again!

This time, Hana, delicioustings youngest contributor, shows us how to make the after school favorite known as “ants on a log”.  (Disclamour: no ants were harmed in the making of this video, but some raisins were consumed as was a stalk of celery)

For the full context of the creative impetus behind Hana’s “ants on a log” I urge to watch both videos.  I’m not going to take full credit, but let me just say that she was initially inspire by my beef stew.  I don’t want to come off as too grandiose,  but isn’t it interesting to think about how great art is often inspired by other works of great art?  Just stew on that for a while.

And now without ado, I present to you Hana:


C’s Beet Soup (ok, borscht)

Despite appearances, I’m not actually of Eastern European heritage. But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the hearty and delicious food of the old county. Case in point: beet soup (aka borscht). The first time I remember eating borscht was all the way back in 1986 during the last years of the Cold War…

For the full account of my borscht experience and the full recipe and making of video please click the photo below.

Easy, delicious and nutritious.


C’s Beef Stew!

Fall has fallen and that means one thing: the stinky poo smell of gingko fruit as they fall on the sidewalks and get all caught up in the treads of your shoes. On the bright side, you can come home and fill your stomach with rich beef stew. But first of all you have to cook it and I’m happy to show you how.  Click on the photo below for my personal recipe. Believe me, it smells a whole lot better than gingko fruit.

So beefy, so good.


Hana Loves Natto!!!

Okay, if this doesn’t generate ridiculous amounts of traffic to this site, nothing will. Hana my youngest and most adorable fan and daughter of Jake and Sari (of Almir’s Churrasco!! fame) is now also a contributor! Check out her video (expertly shot by Sari) as she demonstrates how she not only how eats natto (definitely an acquired taste because texturally it’s kind of like eating snot), but how much she loves it.  In fact after watching this vid, I think I’m going to go get me some natto!


Shefali’s Palak Paneer

And now in contrast to the previous post, we bring you something completely vegetarian AND delicious (yes, such things do exist): palak paneer – aka saag paneer. In English it translates to spinach cheese which doesn’t quite do it justice because it’s such a rich and sumptuous, complex dish that when you’re eating it, you can’t believe that it’s just well, basically spinach with some chunks of tofu textured cheese. And as prepared by my beautiful wife Shefali, you’ll see how easy it is to cook. Click on the picture below for the full recipe and video.

Shef slaving over a hot stove
