Bread and Cheese in France – Where Life Gets Good

Ahhh…Bread and Cheese. The very basics of French Cuisine. If you head to your local Whole Foods and attempt to pick out a French cheese, it can seem pretty daunting, it seems like there are a million varieties and they all have names that sound funny. Likewise, it is nearly impossible to find a decent crusty bread, both in the US AND even in France. Either it’s uber-chewy on the outside and goopy in the middle or it lasts for less than one day and unlike me, you can’t bring yourself to eat an entire baguette in 4 hours.

Clarence, here’s what I’ve been learning: French people know where to buy baguettes and where to NOT buy baguettes. And ALL french cheese is good:)

(s’il vous plait, read the full story here…)
